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Below is a common fix for your washing machine

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Is your washing machine leaking or
conditioner not draining away?

Although there’s a lot of different styles of soap drawers around they all have the same issue and that is the conditioner or fabric softener has to be diluted by the washing machine and then syphons down a very small tube which is normally covered by a plastic housing called the syphon.

In recent years manufacturers of fabric softener have begun to produce concentrated versions of their products – some companies even making ultra concentrated.

Now while on an older washing machine this would still be fine, a combination of newer washing machines using less water combined with concentrated conditioner causes the issue where the washing machine cannot dilute the conditioner enough to syphon through the drawer. This causes the conditioner to go lumpy and block the syphon and can then further leak down the front of the washing machine

How do we solve the problem?

The first thing to do is completely clean the soap drawer and syphon (the little plastic bit). This is really easy user maintenance. To do this you need to remove your soap drawer which in most cases as you can see above there is a little button in the middle of the drawer and if you push down there and pull the drawer towards you it should pull free with no problems. Some hotpoint models have a drawer that opens sideways as you can see above and these can be a little more tricky but the full instructions on how to remove this type of drawer are in your user manual.

Now you have your dispenser drawer out.

  1. Take it over to the sink and you need to remove the syphon cap which is the bit where you usually put the fabric softener.
  2. Clean all around this area, inside the tube at both sides and into the syphon itself. Make sure you can see through the tube clearly so that you know there are no obstructions.
  3. Once this is complete put the soap drawer back together and while holding it level run water from the tap into the conditioner section.
  4. Just before the water gets to the top it should automatically start to run out of the bottom of the tray.
  5. Turn the tap off and see if the water completely drains away. Don’t worry if there’s a little bit left, this is normal. If the water is gone then your drawer is now working as it should.

Now you need to clean the drawer

To do this you just need an old toothbrush or something similar. Clean the top area of the soap drawer paying special attention to the area that would line up with where the conditioner compartment would line up with. This usually has a lot of black gunk that you’ll be wanting to remove.

That’s it, all done!

Put the drawer back in, put your next wash on and see what happens.

We recommend that you use a standard, none concentrated conditioner however if you want to use concentrated then use tiny amounts and you should find that it doesn’t block up anymore or at least less often.

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